To run BUFKIT on Linux is fairly simple. First you need to install wine,
this can be obtained through your distribution, or through Wine.
Wget is also required, but this comes with most linux distros.
$ tar -xf bufkit.tar.gz
$ cd bufkit
$ wine setup.exe
Then, use all default options in the install wizzard, if you don't the shell script won't work.
Then, you can use this shell script I wrote so that running BUFKIT and downloading the profiles is fairly simple.
After this, you may need to do
$chmod u+x bufkit
to be able to execute the file.
There are a few lines that you'll need to change, provided that you don't want all the models downloaded for Syracuse.
The changes are noted in the shell script, but here they are.
The line that starts with "rm" is a command to remove the old profiles, change the files removed, to the ones that you will be downloading
Then the next four lines are the lines to get the profiles, change the http://.... to whatever bufkit profile URI you want to download.
You can use this link for the links to the bufkit profiles you want.
As an important note, don't use the "DONE" button to close bufkit, it will screw everything up, and won't allow bufkit to run again until you uninstall it.
If you have any questions feel free to send me an e-mail just remove the *NOSPAM*
Hope you enjoy this.